Once you make the pizza dough, you should give it some time to rise. This will ensure your pizza gets a light, airy structure. An indentation test will tell you if the dough is ready. During this stage, the yeast digests carbohydrates making the dough inflate. At the same time, the gluten strengthens so it’s easier to link up.

So, how long should you let pizza dough rise? This should take between 1 and 1.5 hours. However, many factors affect the time. The ideal temperature should be 80 degrees F. This means that the rising will be determined by water temperature. If you use warm water but the kitchen counter is cool, it will affect the final product.
When you don’t maintain the right temperature, you should cover the dough in a bowl. Likewise, you should use cool water in warmer months.
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- Dutch oven
- Large mixing bowl
- Measuring cups and spoons
- Bread thermometer (fancy or a budget one)
- Scoring lame
Extra (nice to have):
- Kitchen scale
- Dough scraper and bowl scraper (yes, they are different)
- Cooling rack
- Baking stone (you don’t need a dutch oven if you use this)
👉Learn how to make bread and pizza with this awesome book.
If you stretch your dough and it springs back, the problem could be the temperature. For best results, keep your dough at room temperature (70 degrees F). Other variables that affect the rising time include the type of wheat and size of the ball dough.
How to make your pizza dough rise faster
What happens if you’re in a rush to make your pizza? Well, there are a few tricks to increase the rising process. First, you can use a damp towel. Just preheat the oven at 350-500 degrees F, rinse the towel in warm water, and layout over the dough.
Make sure it hangs on the sides of the bowl. If you have a lot of dough to cover, you may want to overlap two towels. After that, place your dough near the preheated oven (not on top) to speed up the rising process. In about 30 minutes, the dough will double in size.
Alternatively, you can rest the dough in a microwave. Just place one glass of water in your microwave and heat it for 2-3 minutes. Next, put the dough in a small bowl and place it in the microwave.
The warm water will create a moist environment making your dough rise faster. With the microwave switched off, allow the dough to rise for 45 minutes.
Check after every few minutes and you’ll know if the dough is done rising. If there’s no significant change, preheat the water and repeat the process. Give it another 10 to 15 minutes.
Another strategy is to preheat the oven at the lowest temperature for 2-3 minutes. Bring the pot of water to a boil and fill it to an open-safe glass bowl.
Make sure the water is 1-2 inches below the rim. Allow it to stay in the oven as you prepare your dough. The water will create a warm environment for the dough to rise in.
Place the dough in an oven-safe pan and close the oven door. The dough should double in size after 15 minutes. If it’s not ready, leave it there for 10 minutes until you get the desired results.
If you don’t fancy the above methods, you can use rapid yeast. It comes with fine granules thus making the dough rise faster. It’s found in grocery stores and is usually labeled `quick rise yeast’ or `instant yeast’.
Unlike regular brands, rapid yeast doesn’t have to be dissolved in water. Just mix it with the other ingredients you use to make the pizza dough. Make sure you place it in a warm, humid place and it will rise faster.
Should you allow the pizza dough to rise overnight?
Yes. When the dough rises slowly in the refrigerator, it enhances flavor and texture. While the length of time is up to debate, cooking professionals recommend 48 hours.
Still, you can place the dough in the refrigerator in the morning and allow it to rise slowly for dinner. But before you put the dough in the fridge let it sit at room temperature for 15 minutes.
When using the overnight dough, be sure to roll to create a thin crust. The main advantage of an overnight rise is convenience. Making your pizza will no longer be a time-consuming treat.
Reasons why your pizza dough doesn’t rise
If your pizza doesn’t rise after trying the above methods, then something must be wrong. The truth is a mixture of flour and yeast doesn’t equal to a tantalizing pizza.
There are many reasons why your pizza isn’t rising despite your best effort. Maybe the yeast is too hot. If your recipe calls for active dry yeast, you should dissolve it in warm water. Hot water kills the yeast cells.
To be on the safe side, you should buy a food thermometer to test the temperature of the water. Secondly, the room could be too cold. You may get all the ingredients right but if the temperature is below 75 degrees F, the pizza dough will not rise. This is a common problem in winter.
The other area you should pay close attention to is the age of the yeast. Although dry yeast can live for years when kept at the right room temperature, you should test it before use.
If you use a remnant of old yeast but your dough doesn’t rise, it could be dead. Also, you may not be giving your dough enough time to ferment. This boils down to the type of flour and room temperature.
Be patient and give the dough enough time to rise. Lastly, the size of the pan could affect the process. Avoid using a pan that is too small or too large.
What happens if you let the pizza dough rise for too long?
When you make pizza, the yeast will do the work for you. Most recipes will require that you let the dough rise once. Depending on how long it takes, the dough develops volume and flavor.
The second rise is called proofing and comes after shaping your pizza. If you let the dough rise for too long, it will interfere with texture. When you wait for too long, your pizza could end up with unpleasant taste.
Worst of all, the pizza may collapse in the oven. The final product will be 20% less than the original product.
The bottom line
The first rise is also referred to as the resting stage. When you allow your pizza dough to rest, several things happen. It becomes easy to roll, the smell becomes rich, and the air pockets keep the dough light.
If you want to prepare a quick pizza, you should let it rise for 30 to 90 minutes. However, an overnight rise gives the best results because it makes yeast fermentation slow.